around 2000 women and children (men had forced prisoners to forced labour) fovismena eyes and dark heart started the tortuous journey for the nea makri of marathon and village farakla in northern newfoundland. ...
the city sheltered from the narrow end of the gulf of makri's glafkos is an ideal place for vacations with a mediterranean climate that is hot in summer and wetter winter. the summer temperature range at 30 degrees in winter and rarely ...
... emlékszik nemcsak a ?99-s Athéni földrengésre (ami engem akkor egy üveg irodaház ötödik emeletén ért, és alaposan megijedtem), hanem az 1931-s Éviai földrengésre is, amikor egész faluk romba dőltek (Kria Vriszi, Farakla, stb.). ...